So I said
the next time I posted about Wethering the Storm it would be good news.
I have good
Actually I
have fantastic news….
I’m really thrilled
to announce to you all that I have
signed a two-book deal for The Mighty Storm and Wethering the Storm with Montlake
I just want to say thank you to each and every single one of my readers.
Thank you for buying TMS, reading it, loving it, telling your family and
friends about it. If it weren’t for you then I wouldn’t be putting this message
out right now. And I also want to say a huge thank you to my amazing agent
Adrienne Lombardo at Trident Media for knocking this one out of the ballpark.
Things are going to get a little crazier for me workwise, and you know how
I like to respond to each and every one of your messages and emails, so if you
could just bear with me over the next few months as it might take me a little
longer to get back to you all.
And lastly…..
Love ya’s
<3 <3